Political Rights

                                     Political Rights

What is the meaning of political rights? 

        We can define it as the ability of the person to participate in the political and civil life of the society and the country without fear of discrimination, racism, or suppression. Those rights connect with citizens’ situation and they include free voting in elections, the right to join a political party, and to take part in any political protests. In addition,  those rights ensure positive freedom, for they contribute in the process of society affairs’ management that the person lives in. Also, they assume that the governmental operations must be organised, so they give chances for all citizens who have elections’ qualifications to participate in political life. According to the modern concept of political rights, the right to participate in managing the public affairs should be made available for all people in a direct way without any restrictions or by selecting representatives of the people. 

International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights- ICCPR

         International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights works to ensure the protection of the political and civil rights. Moreover, it has already been adopted by the UN General Assembly on 19 of December in 1966 and it began to be implemented on 23 of March in 1976. The International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights beside the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights as well as the optional protocols meet under the same name that is the International Bill of Rights. 

Rights protected by the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights

 This Covenant includes different items and different human rights such as :
● The right of life
● The right of liberty, freedom from slavery and torture
● Child rights
● Property rights
● Rights of detainees
● The right to work and education
● Marriage and Family
● Freedom of opinion and expressions
● The right to peaceful assembly
●Rights of foreigners
● Equality in front of courts and the right to a fair trial

-Haya Nobani 


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