How Many States Are there in America?

What is the number of the United States of America?

- America
    The USA is one of the federal republics, it is classified as a constitutional one, it is globally ranked as the third in terms of are and population with over 9.83 million square kilometers of over 307 million people. America has a national economy that is the largest in the world, and it’s characterized by great ethnic and cultural diversity; because of the number of immigrants from all over the world. Although New York is the largest city in the country, Washington is the capital. The United States shares a number of borders with neighboring countries. It’s surrounded by Canada from the north, and bordered by Mexico to the south, by Canada to the east, and by Russia to the west.

- Geography
        America embraces different shapes of terrain with falling forests extending over the coastal plains of the Atlantic Ocean and Piedmont Hills, also the forth longest river in the world flows within it from the north to the south, in addition to mountain ranges extending in the south-eastern and western parts of the country. The Rocky Mountain Ranges extend in the western parts of the Great Plains in the west of the country, while we can find mountains that are over four thousand and three hundred meters height in Colorado, extending from the north to the south.
The USA is affected by a variety of climates because of its geographical diversity and wide area. The wet continental climate prevails in the northern regions of the country, while the south of America is affected by the wet semi-tropical climate. For Florida, it has a tropical climate in the south, but the semi-arid climate affects the western flatlands, while the Alpine climate prevails in the western mountainous regions. Alaska is affected by the harsh Arctic climate. The coastal areas of Oregon, Washington state, and southern Alaska have the Oceanic climate. The coastal areas of California is affected by the Mediterranean climate.

- The states of America
          The United States of America comprises 50 states, making the entire country, with a federal capital; Washington. Most of these states have a position in the center of North American continent, where forty-eight states are located between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. The origin of the country’s original 13 states date back to colonies that had declared their rebellion against the British rule in the early history of the country.
The first three states that were established in America were: Kentucky of Virginia, Tennessee of North Carolina, and Maine of Massachusetts, the rest of the current states were seized by purchasing and colonialism, expect for Texas, Hawaii, and Vermont, These states were essentially a group of republics recognized for independence before becoming a Union states.

-Heba Al-Khalaileh 

- A video about America
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