How to write a study speech abroad and participate in cultural exchange programs.

How to write a study speech abroad and participate in cultural exchange programs.

Traveling and student exchange are top priorities for many today, and these programs usually require writing a letter explaining participant's motivations.

There has recently been a new style of education and cultural exchange, which is largely new to Arab societies, especially to girls, but the need for rapid development and labor market requirements are imposing this trend, which offers benefits for students who are interested in international adventures and experiences. 
These benefits include:
The benefits of cultural exchange programs:
1-International learning and knowledge drives students twards acceptance and understanding of a range of cultural and social prospectives. 
2-Language acquisition is acheived through practical age.
3-Awareness and adoption of multi-alternative ways of learning.
4-Analytical skills and problem solving.
5-To promote the attention  to global issues as well as broader public knowledge.
6-to strengthen your personality.
7-Self development and awareness lead to promote self-confidence  and self-esteem. This is often a noticeable change for returning exchange students.
8-Maturity and social balance are promoted by the need to face challenges outside the familiar support network and the comfort zone.
9-Integrate into another family as well as develop long lasting friendships enchance appreciation of home and family. 
10-Encourage a tremendous sense of achievement for students and their abilities to develop independent opinions, and to make new decisions and strive to achieve new goals.

There are also many long-term benefits of cultural exchange programs:
1-Students who continue their undergraduate studies find themselves more comfortable in outside environments. 
2-Communicating with others increases the awareness of group dynamics and personal sensitivity  to others.
3-The completion of a successful exchange program is an excellent measure of personal resilience, including the ability to reach compromise, focus and success during difficult times.

The most important thing before traveling is writing a letter about the motivations of participation, and it may be difficult for many to write it which we will talk  about later.
Writing a motivational letter to study abroad:
1- If necessary, you can be for a letter about your motives, select the content depending  on whether the faculty of the program provides specific details of what they are looking for in the letter or as often they have left it to the candidate student. It is important that they both realize the two situations, your advantages and disadvantages that you seek to improve during the program.
2-Your message should be secific, clear and attractive. You may miss an oppotunity to show your creativity. So, for many students, not knowing exactly what they are supposed to be writing about is the reason their opportunities are failing. 
3-In addition to think about the  expected changes to a new experience, students who wish to study aborad have additional concerns about effective writing for an international audience. However, the good news is that there are some general characteristics that international higher education officials seek when considering new potential international students.
4-Along with some common points to be taken regardless of where you send the stimulus letter (qualifications,goals,interests,emotions related to your studies),there are also some important details to add when you study abroad:
Why do you want to  study abroad?
Of course,this is the first question you should be prepared to answer which is why you want to study abroad and not in your home country. This may seem abvious, but clarifying the reasons for your studies abroad make a big difference in making decision.
Avoid the following:
1-I just wanted to get out of my own country. 
2-I want to meet and marry someone internationally.
3-My friend tried it and it seemed fun.
Replace them with the following:
1-I expect to develop personally and professionally during this international experience. 
2-I have a great interest in the culture, history and language of the country, and I am excited to continue exploring and experimenting with it.
3-As a student who prides himself on his ability to communicate across cultures, I think I would be well suited to a program that includes students from all over the world.
4-By showing the universities that you have chosen to study seriously abroad, you also show them that you are ready to take the study seriously. 

Do you have any overseas experience already?
In choosing intrrnational students, most recruiters realize that this experience is not suitable for every one. By choosing someone who has no experience away from his country, universities are at risk of choosing someone who is not prepared to live abroad and may leave the program immedialtely after starting. 
 Avoid the following:
1-I have never traveled or lived abroad, but I think I will love it
2-Every time I traveled was a bad rxperience, but I hope this time is different. 
Replace them with the following:
1-Although I have never lived or studied abroad before, I love to travel and experience new cultures, so I am looking for an opportunity to expand my horizons while doing something I love .
2-Although I have never traveled abroad, I have done a lot of research to make sure that this country is right for me. I also look forward to the challenge of living and studying independently abroad, and I am sure I am ready to deal with it.

Universities do not expect everyone who applies for an international program to have experience abroad before .However, by letting them know that you are capable of meeting the challenges that may arise, you put yourself away from other students who may choose to ignore the subject altogether. 

Why is your prsonality leading to study abroad?

Of course, some people are more suitable for the experience  of living and studying abroad. However, it may be for different reasons than you think.
Avoid the following:
1-I always tend to mix and gather, so I know I will take friends easily.
2-I plan to stay isolated so as not to upset or annoy anyone.
Replace them with the following:
1-I am suitable to others, because I am outgoing and caring for people and other beliefs. 
2-Above all, I am proud of my cultural sensitivity when I find myself with other people who do not share a back ground similar to me. 

You will likely not be the only international student in your program. Therefor, it is important to prove that you agree well with others. Note that this is not like saying you are the most social or friendly. 
Whether you are outgoing or isolated, they just want to know that you are capable of dealing with multicultural interactions in a mature way. 

By adding thses improvements to your stimulus letter, you increase your chances of gaining admission by international universities. Now is the time to start thinking about the opportunity to apply for study abroad or for cultural exchanges.

-Jumana Al-Salhi 


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