The Meaning of “Thought”

Meaning of Thought
The thought is defined as the realization of the mind in something to reach the knowledge of the unknown. For example, when it is said "I have thought." the word "thought" here means vision, and the idea is the mental image of something. Whereas thinking is defined as the realization of reason in a problem, which means that thought is the product of the process of thinking.
The process of thinking is also defined as an internal mental activity that includes the passing of the emotional and sensory fantasies, thoughts. and perceptions that accompany or precede any external behavior. The person performs this activity consciously or unconsciously, which means that thought is a human effort that holds true or false. It is characterized by holiness, but it is approaching the right and away from error if based on an explicit mind, the transfer is true, and if it is consistent with the facts and complexions.

The Source of Thoughts

The thoughts of human might be gained from seven main resources:
1. parents: the first humans’ thoughts are gained from parents. We learn from them words and their meanings, facial and body expressions, religious beliefs, great values, attitudes, and feelings, and all of them are main referencing in dealing with yourself and others.

2. Family: the mind links the gained information from family environment with all thoughts that built before which contribute to the enhancement of intellectual programming.

3. Friends: it's considered as the second most dangerous intellectual programming after parents, for it is the first achievement to the human. So much so we choose them by ourselves, which contribute to feeling acceptance and independence. However, we might also learn negative attitude and behaviors which impact on our main intellectual programming.

4. Educational environment: The educational environment and school have a large impact on the person’s thoughts and this is influenced by the teachers' style, behavior, and morals, so it is easy for the individual to receive some positive or negative behaviors and add them to his previous ideas, which leads to the entrenchment in the subconscious of him/her strongly.

5. The surrounding community

6. Social media

7. Self

•Characteristics of the Process of Thinking

The studies that related to “thinking” as a cognitive process show that it distinguished with several properties, as they're shown in the following points:

1. Thinking is purposeful behavior which happens in specific situations and for a specific purpose.
2. Thinking is a relative concept which means that the human cannot practice all the type of thinking in the same time. Besides,  the thinking consists of  overlap  positions and experiences with the environmental elements in which it exists.
3. Thinking is a sophisticated behavior, as it changes according to the growth of the individual and the accumulation of experience, and varies in levels and degrees between different age levels.
5. Thinking is an interactive process.
6. Thinking has different styles and forms.

-Lana Salhi
-Edits by: Reem Azzam


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