How to Write a Successful Novel

How to Write a Successful Novel

1- Include a strong opening.

    Be careful that the opening paragraph of the novel has a strong tone, to achieve this you can evaluate this opening by asking yourself as a novelist whether it makes the reader curious about the novel, or if it provides an appropriate place, character, specific time or even an appropriate atmosphere for the plot.

2- Determine the conflict at first.

        Each novel contains a plot of conflict or a problem in its content no matter what kind of novel it is, so it is necessary when starting to write a novel that you define the conflict that will be discussed in it, make sure that this conflict is included in the first ten pages.

3- Include components of time and place.

          A successful novel depends on specific components of time and place. The location of the novel includes the city where it happened, along with identifying that part with the street and even the building, as well as indicating the reason of the occurrence in that location.

4- include emotions.

        A successful novel needs to include some situations which are exciting for the reader, that could make them laugh or cry as instance. It is a smart tactic of the writers to get themselves out of some stuck positions in their novel; but this requires not to exaggerate the given positions, they should also keep in mind that publishers and editors usually look for novels with emotional suspense, because they attract more readers, resulting in higher returns.

5- Determine some features of the language of the novel.

      In order for the novel to be successful, its language must have some features, including:
1. Regulating the balance between events of distress and prosperity events in the story.
2. Organizing a logical internal order of events.
3. Writing a valuable dialogue and script.
4. Balance between the style of review and narration.
6- The end of the novel.
A writer needs to end their novel satisfactorily for readers, and to achieve this it must follow certain criteria, which are:
1. Solving the conflict of the novel.
2. Making sure that the author themselves answer all the questions that came to their mind while writing.
3. Considering not to use magical or artificial exaggerated solutions to solve a difficult knot in the plot.

-Heba Al-Khalaileh
Edits by: Bailasan Zainah


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